In the journey of life…

In the journey of life,

We meet some,

But we part with many.


In the journey of life,

We meet that someone,

With whom we live for once.


In the journey of life,

That someone comes from nowhere,

And teaches us everything,

How to live in every moment,

and how to die for one.


In the journey of life,

We definitely meet that someone once,

Who finds the real us in ‘US’.


In the journey of life,

We learn to love cause of the only ‘One’,

And find ourselves complete,

Even when there are none.


In the journey of life,

We tend to meet that someone

For whom we can do anything and everything,

Whether it’s big or small.

Not for any trophy,

Just for an honest smile.


In the journey of life,

We do meet that someone,

Whose arms completes us,

And the thing that makes us forget the world,

Is that one ‘HUG’.


In the journey of life,

The two us are like parallel rails of  a train,

Always moving together hand in hand,

Do not know how long, will the journey be,

but still there for each other.

If one of us is missing,

The train of life cannot move forward.


In the journey of  life,

Sometimes we have to part to meet again,

To continue with the rest of the trips of  life.


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