Wait befalls…


She wasn’t waiting for him,

But he found her. 

They chirped together 

They flew from one tree to the other

He gave her shelter under his wings 

During rainy nights

She gave him, her share of grains,

When food was not enough for both.

Finally they decided to build a nest

Where they can stay together.

She worked day & night,

But before she could complete it, 

He was gone forever.

He wasn’t there for her anymore.

She wept during the rains,

And shivered all the cold nights,

As she waited beside their nest.

Seasons passed,

She knew it but she was still fighting with her heart.

He would never come back.

What was she waiting for? 

It was spring again,

And there came somebody new to show her love again 

He promised, he would never leave her and go,

He took her wherever he went 

And decided to build a nest together.

She fell for it again, 

She caught him staring at the ones

Who were flying to the other land.

He was dreaming to go along with them

It was the same story,

Told to the same person.

* * *


Ray of hope…

ray of hope

Her phone rang once in the evening after he came back from office, to ask whether she took her medicines.

Her phone rang once again at night, to ask whether she had dinner.

Had he known she needed him the most, more than the medicines,

Had he known she needed some time from his busy schedule,

she would have recovered.

Today,she was still fighting, with her mind and her heart.

Today,she still believes that there is a ray of hope, because there is always a sunshine after a dark.

* * *




Don’t know what you are suffering from,

Leaving who is near you,

You always long for who is far.

No matter how much they try to come close to you,

They land up being at a distance.

You are a riddle, unknown to anyone.

For how long have your eyes not slept?

For how long has your heart not been at peace?


I know, yesterday, you met her again,

You saw her again, the old you.

The one, who was made to look beautiful by the unexplained time.


You have never wavered in your fidelity,

Today repeatedly makes innuendos to forget her.

But you, with a predilection for thinking

And dreaming about her,

Would not understand,

That your escape is never imminent.

* * * 




How is your selfishness?

You can’t even see whether its day or dark.


How is the person inside you?

Although you’ve traveled seven seas,

there is thirst in your heart. 


Why is there a noise, still in you?

You left the story incomplete,

with an excuse that you would find peace.


Why are you trying to search for yourself?

When you were the one who wanted to get lost in the crowd,

of your favorite strangers.


Do you realize?

You fake a smile every time you look at yourself,

pretending to be happy and alive,

even though you sense an uneasiness in the breeze around you.


What are you now?

Where did you go?

The moment was like a water bubble,

which was there only for an instance,


P.S. Find yourself , you’ll get everything you want.

* * *
